About Us
We help plan your journey
Open Doors Travel’s primary focus is on theme-based group travel . Erika acknowledges how shared travel experiences enrich the time spent and build lasting friendships. Erika loves collaborating with her clients to craft the perfect trip by matching her client’s values & desires no matter what their travel experience or knowledge. It is Erika’s mandate to have her customers’s say “best trip ever!” and have her customers come back again for more adventure.
Why Us? Our Story.
Open Doors Travel specializes in customized group tour packages for travel enthusiasts looking for educational themed travel experiences. Our experienced guides help adults and students alike navigate this beautiful and amazing planet with compassion and understanding. This stance goes far with setting up a harmonious relationship within the group setting to set the stage for unforgettable journeys and memorable experiences. We are a “one-stop-shop” with unrivalled know-how on travel options, consistent high level of service and attention to detail throughout the collaborative process from start to finish is our goal.

Our commitment to excellence, quality and social responsibility:
- We are active members of a number of tourism affiliates, locally, nationally and internationally
- Our knowledge of educational curriculums and connections within the community
- Unique group tour itineraries that are versatile depending on the market
- Specialized knowledge about the logistics of groups traveling with large and sometimes expensive equipment to destinations, helps us stand apart from others
- Strong relationships with suppliers (through extensive experience) that enable us to offer competitive pricing
- We encourage respect to the customer and quality of the service we tend to provide
- Our mandate is to stay committed to excellence, quality and social responsibility
What Guides Us?
Through ongoing community relations and involvement, we hope to nurture personal relationships, build a global network, and spur economic growth while helping create a sustainable planet. As we evolve as a company we look towards the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals as our guide and compass. ”
Owner, Open Doors Travel Ltd.
Customer Experience
Your entire journey is designed as a purpose-driven, educational experience. Don’t expect to spend 10 minutes at a tourist attraction and then move on. Our promise is to provide consistent high-quality service, value and to exceed your expectations. We understand that each trip is unique and through collaboration we take a scholarly and holistic approach to customize your next adventure.
- Customized proposals with easy enrollment
- Tour Manager Services
- Pre/Post Planning & Booking Services
- Personalized Customer Service
- Duty of Care & Documentation Support
- Travel Insurance Booking Portal